Amazing Summer Cabin Lake. Open houses, even houses in plantation or rural areas seem very simple, fresh, friendly and comfortable.Even more comfortable if we live there with our beloved family.

Houses with rural style can be represented by elements of wood, stone, flowers and plants. The combination of these elements if mixed together harmoniously will result in a spectacular stopover house as follows.

You who live in urban areas with a rather wide land can also cheat on creative ideas from the concept of the following rural houses. What kind of residence is your family’s dream for? Come on, listen.

Wood with simple pieces illustrates the character of the home and the personality of the people who live in the countryside. Wood is identical with strong and sturdy.

This white nuance bedroom reminds the grandmother’s bedroom, but with the latest design touches. No doubt, white may be the right color to get quality sleep. The combination of bright colors, wooden beams, vintage furniture and floral elements can find a very romantic and stunning feel.

The natural element is very thick in this stairway. The choice of natural stone, hanging wooden beams and wooden ceilings shows a traditional atmosphere. The design of floating stairs in the form of logs cut into the wall gives the feeling that this house is arranged with original and creative ideas. 

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