23+ Cool DIY Crafts Wooden Christmas Ideas

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Before Santa makes his annual drop in, set aside time for some simple Christmas crafts that really celebrate the season. Spending a couple of hours (that’s the most time you’ll need!) creating these DIY projects not only teaches kids important skills (patience, creativity, thoughtfulness), but also provides a time out for the whole family to get together and bond.

You’ll only need a handful of supplies to complete these projects, which means they’re budget-friendly, too.

If you’re thinking crafts are never as easy as they seem, we hear you but promise these festive ideas are as easy as can be. (Yep, amateur crafters really are welcome.) From wooden ornaments and holiday hats to functional advent calendars and personalized gift wrap, there’s something that’s sure to be just right for every age, interest, and holiday need.

Enjoy it !

image source: pinterest.com

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Juanita Virginia